Summer Getaways in Seoul – 20+ Ways to Experience Nature in Seoul During Summer

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After living in Seoul for many years, I’ve come to appreciate the city’s dynamic energy and vibrant culture. It’s my favourite city in the world, a place that continually surprises and delights me. However, despite this, it can sometimes feel like a concrete jungle amidst the skyscrapers and bustling streets. Thankfully, one of Seoul’s greatest strengths is the abundance of green spaces and urban escapes that offer a refreshing break from city life. If you look beyond the urban sprawl, you’ll discover a wealth of natural activities and serene spots that provide the perfect counterbalance to the city’s fast-paced rhythm.

Seoul is a city that’s alive all year round, but there’s something truly special about summer. The city bursts into life with festivals, markets, and a host of outdoor events that turn it into a vibrant playground for both locals and tourists. The warm weather and longer daylight hours create the perfect atmosphere for exploring Seoul’s hidden gems and well-loved retreats. So, if you’re planning a visit, summer is the time.

One of my all-time favourite urban escapes in Seoul is the Han River. This iconic river has numerous parks and recreational facilities and is a true gem. Whether you’re taking a leisurely river cruise at sunset, trying out water sports, or simply enjoying a picnic with friends on its banks, it’s the place to be in Seoul during summer.

Another gem is Namsan Seoul Tower. The journey up the mountain, whether by cable car or on foot (or with the more boring bus), is always rewarding. The panoramic views from the observation deck are breathtaking, especially as the city lights up in the evening. Namsan Park is a haven of greenery, perfect for a peaceful walk or a relaxing afternoon surrounded by nature. While Namsan Tower is on every tourist’s radar, few explore the park below.

Seoul’s other parks, such as Olympic Park and Seoul Forest, provide ample space for biking, picnicking, and even enjoying outdoor concerts. These green spaces are vital for city dwellers, offering a breath of fresh air and a place to recharge. The night markets, too, add to the city’s summer charm. Places like Dongdaemun and Gwangjang Market buzz with activity late into summer nights, offering delicious street food and unique shopping experiences.

Before I ramble on forever, let’s get into the article itself. As you’ve probably already discovered, Seoul is an amazing city, but we all need escapes occasionally. If you’re living in Seoul or visiting during the summer, this article will discuss some of my favourite escapes from the hustle and bustle of South Korea’s capital. Let’s get started!

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Climate and Weather in Seoul During Summer

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Seoul’s summer season spans from June to August and is characterized by hot and humid weather. The average temperatures typically range from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F), but it’s not uncommon for thermometers to rise above 35°C (95°F) during peak heat waves. Alongside the heat, humidity levels can soar, often reaching over 70%, making the air feel even heavier and warmer.

My first Korean summer was a big surprise. While I had seen a lot of photos from the Korean winter, I knew relatively little about the weather during summer. When we were hit by a heatwave that brought temperatures as high as 40°C, I was totally unprepared. I hope that by sharing more information on the Korean summer, you can be more prepared than I was when planning your urban excursions!

  • Average Temperature: 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F)
  • Humidity Levels: 60% to 80%
  • Rainfall: Frequent, with July being the wettest month due to the monsoon season
  • Typhoons: Occasional, especially towards the end of summer
MonthAverage Temperature (°C)Average Humidity (%)Average Rainfall (mm)
June22 – 2770130
July25 – 3075369
August25 – 3070260

Seasonal Challenges

  • Navigating summer in Seoul can be a test of endurance due to several environmental challenges. Here’s what to expect and why urban escapes become essential:

Heat Waves

  • Heat waves are common during Seoul’s summer, with temperatures often soaring above 35°C (95°F). The intense heat can be overwhelming, especially for those unaccustomed to such weather.

High Humidity

  • The high humidity levels, often exceeding 70%, can make the heat feel even more oppressive. This combination can lead to discomfort, sweating, and a constant feeling of stickiness.

Monsoon Season

  • July marks the peak of the monsoon season in Seoul, bringing heavy and frequent rainfall. These downpours can be intense but are typically short-lived. However, they can lead to sudden floods and disrupt outdoor plans.


  • Towards the end of summer, Seoul occasionally experiences typhoons. These severe weather events bring strong winds and heavy rain, posing a risk to safety and travel plans.
ChallengeDescriptionTips to Cope
Heat WavesProlonged periods of extreme heat, often exceeding 35°C (95°F).Stay hydrated, wear lightweight clothing, avoid outdoor activities during peak heat.
High HumidityCarry an umbrella, wear waterproof shoes, check weather forecasts regularly.Stay hydrated, wear lightweight clothing, and avoid outdoor activities during peak heat.
Monsoon SeasonHeavy and frequent rainfall, particularly in July.Use fans or air conditioning, take cool showers, and carry a hand fan or mist sprayer.
TyphoonsSevere storms with strong winds and heavy rain, usually in late summer.Carry an umbrella, wear waterproof shoes, and check weather forecasts regularly.

These seasonal challenges make finding urban escapes crucial for locals and tourists. These green spaces and natural retreats provide a much-needed respite from the city’s intense heat and humidity. They offer opportunities to cool off, relax, and enjoy the beauty of nature without straying far from the urban environment. Whether it’s the shade of a park, the cool breeze by the Han River, or the refreshing waters of an outdoor pool, these escapes are vital for maintaining comfort and well-being during Seoul’s hot summer months.

In the following sections, we’ll explore some of the best urban escapes in Seoul, providing detailed insights and personal tips to help you make the most of your summer in this vibrant city.

Cultural Significance of Summer in Korea

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While it’s a bit outside of this article’s scope, I want to discuss a few summer traditions before we talk about the activities themselves. Why? Well, if your getaway overlaps with one of these traditions, it’s worth seeing if you can experience them firsthand.

When it comes to food, well, what more can I say than Korean summer food is delicious and well worth trying when you’re on your adventures!

Korea Summer Traditions

Several traditional practices and festivals make the summer months special and provide a glimpse into the country’s cultural heritage.

  1. Dano Festival
    • What It Is: Dano, also known as Surit-nal, is a traditional Korean festival celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It marks the beginning of summer.
    • Activities: Traditional activities include folk games, swing riding, and washing hair in water infused with sweet flags to promote health and beauty.
    • Cultural Significance: It’s a time for cleansing and preparing for the hot months ahead, blending spiritual and physical wellness. If your urban escape overlaps with this festival, you can experience these unique cultural activities firsthand.
  2. Boknal
    • What It Is: Boknal refers to the three hottest days of the summer based on the lunar calendar.
    • Activities: Koreans traditionally eat samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup) and other nourishing foods to combat the heat and replenish energy.
    • Cultural Significance: The practice is rooted in the belief that eating hot food helps to sweat out the heat, a concept known as ‘yi yeol chi yeol’ (fighting heat with heat). Planning an urban escape around these days can give you a chance to enjoy traditional foods that are both delicious and culturally significant.

Seasonal Foods and Drinks

Korean cuisine adapts to the seasons, and summer brings a variety of delicious and cooling foods and drinks. Enjoying these treats while out and about can enhance your urban escape experience.

  1. Naengmyeon (Cold Noodles)
    • Description: A popular summer dish, naengmyeon consists of long, thin noodles served in a chilled broth, often with slices of cucumber, pear, and boiled egg.
    • Personal Recommendation: Originally a winter dish in North Korea, it has become a summer staple nationwide. I highly recommend trying naengmyeon at least once during your summer escapades.
  2. Bingsu (Shaved Ice Dessert)
    • Description: Bingsu is a dessert made of finely shaved ice topped with sweetened condensed milk, fruit, and other toppings like red beans or chocolate.
    • Personal Recommendation: It’s a popular treat to beat the heat and can be found in cafes and street vendors across Seoul. It’s one of my favourite ways to cool down after exploring the city.
  3. Barley Tea (Boricha)
    • Description: A common summertime drink in Korea, barley tea is served chilled and is known for its refreshing taste and health benefits.
    • Personal Recommendation: Barley tea is a traditional drink often served in homes and restaurants. It helps with hydration and digestion. I always have a bottle of chilled barley tea with me during my summer outings.
Food/DrinkDescriptionWhere to Find
NaengmyeonGinseng chicken soup is believed to restore energy during hot days.Ginseng chicken soup is believed to restore energy during hot days.
BingsuShaved ice dessert with various toppings like fruit and red beans.Cafes, dessert shops, street vendors.
SamgyetangGinseng chicken soup is believed to restore energy during hot days.Korean traditional restaurants.
Barley TeaChilled barley tea is refreshing and healthy.Served in many homes and Korean restaurants.

Understanding these cultural elements can enhance your summer experience in Seoul. Not only do these traditions and foods offer a taste of Korean culture, but they also provide practical ways to stay cool and refreshed. In the next sections, we’ll explore specific urban escapes in Seoul that provide a perfect retreat from the summer heat. Now, let’s dive into the activities!

Summer Urban Escapes in Seoul


1. Seoul Forest

Seoul Forest Wetlands Park

Seoul Forest is one of my favourite parks in the city. Located centrally, it offers an easy escape into nature without having to venture far from the urban hustle. The park is incredibly clean and green, providing a refreshing environment that feels miles away from the city’s concrete jungle. During summer, the park comes alive with lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and various wildlife, making it a perfect spot for nature lovers.

However, the park’s central location also means it can get quite busy, especially on weekends and holidays. Despite the crowds, the park’s vastness helps disperse the visitors, so it rarely feels overcrowded. The vibes here in summer are fantastic, with families picnicking, friends playing sports, and individuals enjoying peaceful walks or cycling along the many trails.

One of the highlights of Seoul Forest is its diverse range of activities. From ecological forest and wetland areas to a butterfly conservatory and deer corral, there’s always something interesting to explore. The park also hosts cultural events and exhibitions, adding to its dynamic atmosphere. Whether you’re looking for a quiet spot to read a book or a lively area to engage in recreational activities, Seoul Forest has something for everyone.

2. World Cup Stadium Park

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World Cup Stadium Park, also known as World Cup Park, is a collection of multiple parks in close proximity. While getting there might be inconvenient due to its location in the western part of the city, the variety and sheer size of the parks make the trip worthwhile. The park complex includes Haneul Park, Noeul Park, and Pyeonghwa Park, each offering unique experiences and landscapes.

Haneul Park, which means “Sky Park,” is known for its stunning city views and vast fields of Eulalia grass. Climbing to the top rewards with panoramic vistas, making it a favourite spot for photographers and nature enthusiasts. Noeul Park, or “Sunset Park,” is perfect for those who enjoy serene landscapes and breathtaking sunsets.

One of the things I love about World Cup Stadium Park is its versatility. These parks offer endless possibilities whether you want to spend a morning, afternoon, or a full day outdoors. There’s something for everyone, from leisurely strolls and picnics to more active pursuits like cycling and jogging. Despite its somewhat remote location, the tranquillity and variety of experiences make it a fantastic urban escape.

3. Olympic Park

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Olympic Park is another great option for those seeking a nature escape in Seoul. Spanning a large area, this park is ideal for picnics and outdoor exercise. The wide-open spaces make it a popular spot for families, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone looking to enjoy a sunny day outdoors. The park’s well-maintained lawns and gardens provide a perfect backdrop for relaxation and recreation.

While Olympic Park is excellent for activities like jogging, cycling, and even rollerblading, it’s not as fun to explore as other parks due to its openness. There are fewer hidden corners and areas of interest, but its expansive fields and designated picnic areas make it perfect for group activities and sports.

One of the park’s highlights is the various sculptures and art installations scattered throughout the grounds, adding a touch of culture to your visit. The park also hosts concerts and events, especially during the summer, which can enhance your experience. Olympic Park is a top choice if you’re looking for a place to exercise or have a leisurely picnic.

4. Namsan Park

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Namsan Park is a gem located right underneath the famous Namsan Tower. This park is not only a green escape but also a cultural and historical site. It features many attractions, including playgrounds, ponds, exercise equipment, and more, making it a versatile spot for visitors of all ages.

One of Namsan Park’s unique aspects is the option to hike up to Namsan Tower. The trails are well-maintained and offer various levels of difficulty, catering to both casual walkers and avid hikers. The walk to the tower is scenic, with plenty of shaded areas, benches, and viewing platforms along the way. Once at the top, you’re rewarded with stunning city views, making the hike well worth the effort.

The park also has several cultural attractions, such as the Namsan Hanok Village, where you can explore traditional Korean houses and learn about Korean heritage. The combination of natural beauty, recreational facilities, and cultural sites makes Namsan Park a comprehensive urban escape, offering a little bit of everything.

5. Hangang Park

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Hangang Park is actually a series of parks located along the banks of the Han River, each offering unique features and activities. The park spans several districts, including Yeouido, Ttukseom, and Banpo. Each section of Hangang Park provides a different experience, but they all share the theme of being close to the water, making them ideal for cooling off during the hot summer months.

Yeouido Hangang Park is one of the most popular sections. It’s known for its wide-open spaces, perfect for picnics, sports, and leisure activities. The park is also home to the annual Yeouido Spring Flower Festival, but in summer, it becomes a hub for water sports and bike rentals. I love renting a bike and riding along the river; the breeze off the water is refreshing, and the views are stunning.

Ttukseom Hangang Park is another fantastic spot, especially for families. It features swimming pools, water sports facilities, and a large playground. The grassy areas are great for picnicking, and there are plenty of shady spots to relax in. The park comes alive in the evening with night markets and performances, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere. My personal recommendations are Ttukseom and Yeouido Hangang Parks, as they are both clean and beautiful and, most importantly, also host unique events such as night markets during the summer.

6. Haneul Park

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Haneul Park, which translates to “Sky Park,” is part of the larger World Cup Park complex but deserves its own mention due to its unique features and stunning views. Situated on a hilltop, the park was once a landfill site that has been transformed into a beautiful green space with sweeping vistas of Seoul.

Reaching Haneul Park requires some effort, as you have to climb a long set of wooden stairs or take a shuttle bus to the top. However, the effort is well worth it. Once you arrive, you’re greeted by vast fields of silver grass, wildflowers, and various sculptures and art installations that add to the park’s charm.

One of the best times to visit Haneul Park is during sunset. The elevated position provides a panoramic view of the city, and watching the sunset over Seoul is a breathtaking experience. The park is also a haven for bird watchers and nature photographers, offering a tranquil escape from the city below. Haneul Park is one of the most famous parks in Seoul due to the stunning greenery during different seasons. However, weekends and evenings can get incredibly crowded, so try to visit during a workday if possible.

Haneul Park’s spaciousness makes it a great spot for leisurely walks, picnics, and even stargazing on clear nights. The park’s eco-friendly design and focus on sustainability are also commendable, making it a beautiful example of how urban spaces can be repurposed for the benefit of both nature and people.

Han River Activities

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The Han River is a gem in Seoul, offering a variety of natural retreats and activities that provide a refreshing escape from the urban hustle. In a way, it’s like a nature reserve in the city’s centre. While there are some very popular areas like Yeouido and Ttukseom, there are also many areas in between that are often overlooked. Here are some nature-centric ways to enjoy the Han River:

1. Han River Ecological Park

Golden skies above Ttukseom

The Han River Ecological Park is a series of parks designed to preserve the natural habitats along the river. These parks provide an excellent opportunity to observe wildlife and enjoy the natural beauty of the river.

The park areas, such as Gwangnaru, Jamsil, and Amsa Ecological Parks, are home to various plant species, birds, and insects. Walking through these parks, you can experience the serene beauty of the Han River’s wetlands and forests. There are well-marked trails and observation points where you can learn about the local ecosystem. I particularly enjoy visiting these parks early in the morning when the wildlife is most active, and the parks are less crowded.

One of my favourite sections is near Gwangnaru, where the riverbanks are lush with vegetation, and the sounds of birds and insects create a peaceful retreat. It’s an area often overlooked by tourists but offers a genuine connection with nature.

2. Yeouido Saetgang Ecological Park

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Located in the bustling district of Yeouido, Saetgang Ecological Park is a hidden gem that offers a peaceful natural retreat. The park is a wetland area that has been preserved to provide a habitat for various plant and animal species.

Walking through the park, you can follow the boardwalks that wind through the wetlands, offering a unique perspective on this important ecosystem. The park is home to several bird species, making it a great spot for bird watching. Educational signs along the paths provide information about the flora and fauna of the area. It’s a perfect spot for a quiet walk away from the noise of the city.

I love visiting Saetgang Ecological Park in the late afternoon when the light is soft and the park is less crowded. It’s a wonderful escape within the city, where you can feel immersed in nature while surrounded by the urban landscape.

3. Ichon Hangang Park

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Ichon Hangang Park features several natural trails that run along the riverbank, providing a scenic and tranquil environment for walking and jogging. These trails are lined with trees and plants, offering shade and a refreshing atmosphere.

The park is less crowded than other sections of Hangang Park, making it ideal for a peaceful nature walk. As you stroll along the paths, you can enjoy the gentle sounds of the river and the rustling of leaves. The trails are well-maintained and suitable for all ages, making it a great place for a family outing or a solo retreat.

Some of my favourite walks along the Han River are near Eungbongsan and Achasan, where the walks have become more natural. These areas offer beautiful views of the river and the surrounding greenery, providing a perfect blend of urban and natural landscapes.

4. Ttukseom Hangang Park

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Ttukseom Hangang Park is known for its recreational facilities, but it also features natural playgrounds designed to integrate play with nature. These areas use natural materials and landscapes to create a fun and educational environment for children.

The natural playgrounds include sand pits, wooden climbing structures, and water play areas. They are designed to encourage kids to explore and interact with nature. Visiting these playgrounds with my family has always been a delightful experience, as the children enjoy the natural surroundings while learning about the environment. The park also has plenty of green spaces to relax and have a picnic.

One of the best times to visit Ttukseom is in the summer evenings when the park comes alive with night markets and performances. This vibrant atmosphere adds to the overall experience of being close to nature.

5. Banpo Hangang Park

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While the Moonlight Rainbow Fountain at Banpo Hangang Park is a popular attraction, the park also offers serene nature walks along the river. These walks combine a beautiful view of the river and the cityscape with the natural beauty of the park.

Walking along the river in the evening, you can enjoy the cooling breeze and the scenic beauty of the illuminated fountain. The park has several paths lined with trees and flowers, offering a pleasant environment for a leisurely stroll. It’s a wonderful way to unwind and enjoy the Han River’s natural beauty in the city’s heart.

I particularly enjoy the quiet sections of the park, where you can sit by the river and watch the city lights reflect on the water. It’s a perfect spot for reflection and relaxation after a busy day.

Mountains and Hiking

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Exploring the mountains in and around Seoul has been one of my favourite activities. The city’s unique topography offers a variety of hiking experiences, each providing its own set of breathtaking views and natural beauty. Throughout my time in Seoul, I’ve climbed nearly every mountain, always seeking the best sunset views for my photography. Here are some of my top recommendations for mountain hikes in Seoul.

1. Naksan Mountain

Naksan Seoul Wall

Naksan Mountain is one of the easiest climbs in Seoul, making it accessible for everyone. You can even take a bus to the top or the bottom and enjoy a leisurely walk up the mountain. The pathways are well-paved, and the incline is gentle, making it perfect for families and casual walkers.

I love how Naksan provides beautiful views over the northern part of the city. As you walk up the mountain, you will pass through Naksan Park, which is lively and beautiful in summer. The park is a great spot for casual walks rather than serious hikes. You’ll find locals and tourists alike enjoying the green spaces, art installations, and historical sites, creating a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere.

The views from Naksan are spectacular, especially at sunset. The blend of natural beauty and cityscape is perfect for photography. Watching the sun dip below the horizon while the city lights start to twinkle is a magical experience. It’s a wonderful place to enjoy a relaxed evening stroll while soaking in the vibrant summer atmosphere. Despite its popularity, the park’s extensive pathways help disperse visitors, so it rarely feels overcrowded.

2. Ansan Mountain

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Ansan Mountain offers a more serious hike, with several trails that can take a few hours to reach the top, depending on which path you choose. The trails here are less manicured than those on Naksan, providing a more rugged and adventurous feel. This mountain is perfect for those looking to escape the urban environment and immerse themselves in nature.

Ansan feels much more ‘in nature’ compared to more curated mountains like Naksan and Namsan. The trails are surrounded by dense forest, offering plenty of shade and a variety of flora and fauna. Hiking here, you can truly disconnect from the hustle and bustle of city life. The sounds of the forest and the occasional sighting of wildlife add to the serene experience.

The summit of Ansan Mountain rewards hikers with panoramic views of the city and surrounding mountains. It’s a great place to take a break, enjoy a packed lunch, and soak in the natural beauty. The sense of accomplishment you feel upon reaching the top, combined with the stunning views, makes the effort well worth it. I find it incredibly refreshing to hike here, as it provides a genuine escape from the urban environment.

3. Achasan Mountain

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Achasan Mountain is another relatively easy hike, but it stands out for its incredible views of Jamsil, including the iconic Lotte Tower. The trail is well-marked and suitable for hikers of all ages, making it a popular choice for families and casual hikers.

The trail to the top of Achasan is less curated than Naksan and Ansan, giving it a more natural and authentic feel. As you ascend, you’ll pass through beautiful forests and catch glimpses of the city below. The hike is short, typically taking about an hour, but the vistas it offers are worth it. Watching the sunrise or sunset from here is a truly magical experience, with the city’s skyscrapers reflecting the changing colours of the sky.

The views over Jamsil and the Han River are stunning. On a clear day, you can see for miles, with the Lotte Tower standing tall as a prominent landmark. The summit of Achasan provides a perfect spot for taking in the scenery, relaxing, and capturing some incredible photographs. It’s one of my favourite spots for capturing the beauty of Seoul, and the relatively easy hike makes it accessible for most people.

4. Inwangsan Mountain

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Inwangsan Mountain offers a fun and challenging short but very steep hike. The trail is well-trodden and offers a variety of terrains, from rocky paths to forested areas. It’s a popular spot for locals and tourists, and you’ll often see people of all ages tackling the climb.

Most people can manage this hike, but the pace will vary greatly depending on fitness levels. The steep incline can be tough, but the sense of achievement and the views at the top make it all worthwhile. The summit is one of the best places in the city to view the sunset. The climb is short, usually taking less than an hour, but the steep sections can be challenging, making it a rewarding workout.

The panoramic views from the top are breathtaking. You can see the entire city stretched out before you, with the sunset casting a golden glow over the landscape. The summit area has plenty of spots to sit and enjoy the view, making it a fantastic spot for both hiking and photography. I often find myself returning here for the stunning scenery and the peaceful atmosphere that comes as the day turns into night.

5. Bukhansan National Park

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Bukhansan National Park is a bit more demanding but offers one of the most rewarding hiking experiences near Seoul. Known for its rugged mountain terrain and lush forests, it’s a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. The park is extensive, with numerous trails ranging from easy walks to challenging climbs.

I’ve only climbed Bukhansan in winter, but it remains on my list for a summer hike. The winter climb was challenging yet incredibly rewarding, with snow-covered peaks and serene landscapes. I can’t wait to experience it in the lush greenery of summer. The park is also home to Bukhansan Mountain, which provides challenging hikes and breathtaking views.

The trails in Bukhansan are varied, catering to all levels of hikers. The park is rich in biodiversity, with numerous plant and animal species to discover. Historical sites, including ancient temples and fortresses, add a cultural element to the natural beauty. Whether you’re looking for a tough climb or a leisurely walk, Bukhansan National Park offers a diverse and enriching outdoor experience. The combination of natural beauty, challenging trails, and historical landmarks makes it a must-visit destination for any nature lover.

These mountains offer a variety of hiking experiences, from easy and casual walks to more challenging and adventurous trails. Whether you’re looking for stunning city views, immersive nature, or a rewarding hike, Seoul’s mountains provide the perfect urban escape.

Botanical Gardens

Seoul botanic garden skywalk

For those who appreciate the beauty of plants and flowers, Seoul offers several stunning botanical gardens and greenhouses. These green spaces are perfect for leisurely strolls, photography, and escaping the urban hustle. Here are some of my top recommendations:

1. Seoul Botanic Park

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Seoul Botanic Park is a relatively new addition to the city’s green spaces, and it has quickly become one of my favourites. Located in the Magok district, this park combines indoor and outdoor gardens, offering a year-round escape into nature.

The park’s greenhouse is particularly impressive, housing a diverse range of plant species from different climate zones. Walking through the tropical and Mediterranean zones is like stepping into another world. The lush greenery, colourful flowers, and tranquil water features create a serene atmosphere that’s perfect for unwinding. I often find myself losing track of time as I explore the various sections of the greenhouse.

Outside, the park is equally captivating. The expansive grounds are divided into themed gardens, each showcasing different types of plants and landscaping styles. From the Wetlands Garden to the Flower Garden, there’s something to delight every nature lover. The park also hosts educational programs and events, making it a great place to learn about plant conservation and ecology.

2. Namsan Botanical Garden

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(The photo is from the fall, but I couldn’t find any fitting summer photos. It’s equally stunning in summer!)

Located on the slopes of Namsan Mountain, Namsan Botanical Garden is a hidden gem that offers a peaceful retreat from the bustling city. The garden is part of Namsan Park, and it’s a lovely spot to visit before or after a hike up to Namsan Tower.

The garden is divided into several themed sections, including a medicinal herb garden, a rose garden, and a traditional Korean garden. Each section is meticulously maintained and offers a unique glimpse into different types of plants and gardening styles. The medicinal herb garden is particularly fascinating, showcasing plants that have been used in traditional Korean medicine for centuries.

What I love about Namsan Botanical Garden is its tranquil setting. The garden paths are lined with benches and shaded by trees, providing plenty of spots to sit and enjoy the surroundings. It’s a perfect place for a leisurely stroll, a quiet afternoon with a book, or to soak in the beauty of nature. The combination of beautiful plants and the backdrop of Namsan Mountain makes this garden a delightful urban escape.

3. Changdeokgung Palace Secret Garden

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While not a botanical garden in the traditional sense, the Secret Garden (Huwon) within Changdeokgung Palace is a stunning example of traditional Korean landscape architecture. This hidden gem offers a serene and historical escape in the heart of the city.

The Secret Garden is only accessible through guided tours, which adds to its allure. As you walk through the garden, you’ll encounter beautiful pavilions, ponds, and ancient trees. The garden was designed to harmonize with the natural topography, creating a peaceful and secluded atmosphere. I always feel a sense of tranquillity and wonder when I visit, as if I’ve stepped back in time.

Each season brings a different charm to the Secret Garden. In summer, it is lush and green, with vibrant flowers and the soothing sound of water features. The guided tour provides fascinating insights into the garden’s history and design, making it a rich and educational experience. It’s a perfect spot for history buffs and nature lovers alike.

4. Garden of Morning Calm

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Although slightly outside central Seoul, the Garden of Morning Calm is a must-visit for any nature lover. Located in Gapyeong, it is easily accessible from Seoul by a short train or bus ride. This garden is one of the oldest private gardens in Korea, known for its stunning landscapes and seasonal beauty.

The Garden of Morning Calm covers a vast area and is divided into various themed sections. Each garden showcases different styles of Korean landscaping, from traditional to modern interpretations. The garden is meticulously maintained, with beautiful flower arrangements, serene ponds, and artistic sculptures. I particularly love visiting in summer when the garden is in full bloom, offering a riot of colours and fragrances.

One of the highlights is the Sunken Garden, a large sunken area filled with seasonal flowers and surrounded by terraced seating. It’s a perfect spot for photography or simply relaxing and enjoying the view. The garden also hosts seasonal festivals and events, adding to its charm and making each visit unique.

5. Yangjae Citizens’ Forest

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Photo from Seoul Metropolitan Government.

Yangjae Citizens’ Forest, located in the southern part of Seoul, is a beautiful and serene escape within the city. This forest park is not only a great place for leisurely walks but also features a variety of plant life and carefully curated gardens.

The park is expansive, with well-maintained paths meandering through dense woods and open grassy areas. It’s a perfect spot for a picnic, a jog, or just a peaceful walk in nature. The forest is home to several themed gardens, including a rose garden and an azalea garden, which are particularly beautiful in the summer.

One of the unique features of Yangjae Citizens’ Forest is the presence of a traditional Korean garden, complete with a pavilion and a pond. This section of the park offers a tranquil retreat where you can sit and enjoy the serene surroundings. The forest also has various recreational facilities, including sports fields and playgrounds, making it a great destination for families.

Nature Trails and Walking Paths

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Seoul offers numerous scenic trails and walking paths that provide a peaceful retreat from urban life. These trails are perfect for those who want to enjoy nature without straying too far from the city. Here are some of my top recommendations:

1. Seoul City Wall Trail

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The Seoul City Wall Trail is one of the city’s most historically rich and scenic walking paths. This trail follows the remnants of the ancient wall surrounding Seoul, offering a historical journey and breathtaking views.

I love walking along the Seoul City Wall Trail, especially the sections near Naksan and Inwangsan. These areas provide a mix of city views and natural landscapes. The trail is well-marked and has information plaques that offer insights into the history of the wall and the city. The trail passes through several key points, including Naksan Park, Ihwa Mural Village, and the scenic Bugaksan Mountain. The combination of historical sites and panoramic views makes this trail a must-visit for history buffs and nature lovers alike.

Walking the entire length of the trail can take several hours, but numerous entry and exit points allow you to customize the length of your walk. The trail is particularly beautiful during the cherry blossom season in spring and the colourful foliage in autumn, but it’s still an amazing walk in summer. It’s a perfect way to combine a bit of exercise with a journey through Seoul’s rich history.

2. Cheonggyecheon Stream

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Cheonggyecheon Stream is a modern urban renewal project that transformed an old waterway into a beautiful and tranquil stream running through downtown Seoul. The walking path along the stream is a popular spot for both locals and tourists.

Walking along Cheonggyecheon Stream is a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. The stream is lined with greenery and art installations, making it a pleasant and scenic route. It’s especially lovely when the path is lit up in the evenings, creating a serene ambience. The path stretches for about 11 kilometres, starting from Cheonggye Plaza near Gwanghwamun and ending at the Han River. Along the way, you’ll pass under several bridges, each uniquely designed and often decorated with murals and lights. The stream also hosts various events and festivals throughout the year.

A walk along Cheonggyecheon is perfect for clearing my mind or enjoying a peaceful moment in the urban environment. The gentle sound of flowing water and the lush greenery provide a calming effect, making it a favourite spot for relaxation and reflection. Whether you’re taking a leisurely stroll or just sitting by the water, Cheonggyecheon Stream offers a beautiful urban escape.

3. Seonjeongneung Royal Tombs

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The Seonjeongneung Royal Tombs, located in the heart of Gangnam, offer a unique blend of history and nature. This UNESCO World Heritage site is home to the burial grounds of King Seongjong, Queen Jeonghyeon, and King Jungjong of the Joseon Dynasty.

Walking through Seonjeongneung is like stepping back in time. The well-preserved tombs are surrounded by a beautiful forested area, providing a peaceful and serene environment. The pathways are well-maintained, and informational plaques explain the site’s historical significance. I particularly enjoy visiting in the early morning or late afternoon when the light filters through the trees, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

The combination of historic architecture and natural beauty makes Seonjeongneung a special place to visit. It’s a great spot for a quiet walk, offering a moment of reflection amidst the bustling city. The contrast between the modern skyscrapers of Gangnam and the ancient tombs is striking, reminding visitors of Seoul’s rich cultural heritage.

4. Hangang Park Walking Paths

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Hangang Park is actually a series of parks located along the banks of the Han River, each offering unique features and activities. The walking paths along the river are some of Seoul’s most scenic and relaxing routes.

Yeouido Hangang Park is one of the most popular sections. It’s known for its wide-open spaces, perfect for picnics, sports, and leisure activities. The park is also home to the annual Yeouido Spring Flower Festival, but in summer, it becomes a hub for water sports and bike rentals. I love renting a bike and riding along the river; the breeze off the water is refreshing, and the views are stunning.

Ttukseom Hangang Park is another fantastic spot, especially for families. It features swimming pools, water sports facilities, and even a large playground. The grassy areas are great for picnicking, and there are plenty of shady spots to relax in. In the evening, the park comes alive with night markets and performances, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere. My personal recommendations are Ttukseom and Yeouido Hangang Parks, as they are both clean and beautiful and, most importantly, also host unique events such as night markets during the summer.

5. Yangjae Stream Trail

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Photo from Korea Tourism Organisation.

The Yangjae Stream Trail offers a tranquil and scenic walking path that runs through the southern part of Seoul. This stream-side trail is perfect for those looking to enjoy a leisurely walk or a refreshing bike ride while being close to water and greenery.

The trail follows the course of Yangjae Stream, providing a continuous stretch of well-maintained paths and bridges. It’s ideal for a peaceful walk, as the gentle sound of flowing water and the lush vegetation create a calming atmosphere. Thanks to its smooth paths and scenic views, the trail is also popular among cyclists and joggers.

I particularly enjoy walking along the Yangjae Stream Trail in the early morning or late afternoon when the light is soft and the air is cool. The trail is lined with trees and flowering plants, offering plenty of shade and bursts of colour. The stream attracts various species of birds, making it a great spot for bird watching. The combination of water, greenery, and wildlife makes the Yangjae Stream Trail a delightful urban escape.

Day Trips from Seoul

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For those looking to venture a bit further from the city, there are several stunning natural locations just a short trip from Seoul. These day trips offer a perfect way to escape the urban environment and immerse yourself in nature. Here are some top recommendations:

1. Nami Island

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Nami Island, located in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, is a picturesque island known for its beautiful tree-lined avenues and scenic landscapes. It’s a popular destination for day trips from Seoul due to its easy accessibility and stunning natural beauty.

Getting to Nami Island is an adventure in itself. A short train ride from Seoul, followed by a quick ferry trip, brings you to this tranquil island. Once there, you can rent a bike or take a leisurely walk to explore the island’s iconic tree-lined paths, gardens, and riverside areas. The island is particularly famous for its Metasequoia Lane, a straight path lined with tall, majestic trees that change colour with the seasons. In summer, the lush greenery provides a cool and refreshing escape.

Nami Island also offers various activities, including zip-lining, water sports, and cultural performances. It’s a great place to relax, have a picnic, or enjoy a meal at one of the many cafes and restaurants. The island’s combination of natural beauty and recreational options makes it an ideal destination for a day trip from Seoul.

2. The Garden of Morning Calm

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Located in Gapyeong, The Garden of Morning Calm is one of the most beautiful gardens in Korea. It’s about an hour’s drive from Seoul and offers a peaceful retreat with its meticulously landscaped gardens and serene atmosphere.

The Garden of Morning Calm covers a vast area and is divided into various themed sections, each showcasing different styles of Korean landscaping. From the Sunken Garden to the Pond Garden, every corner of the garden is designed to reflect the harmony between man and nature. I particularly enjoy visiting in summer when the garden is in full bloom, with vibrant flowers and lush greenery creating a feast for the eyes.

One of the highlights of this garden is the Millennium Juniper, a 1,000-year-old tree that stands as a symbol of longevity and resilience. The garden also hosts various seasonal festivals and events, adding to its charm and making each visit unique. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a photographer, or someone seeking tranquillity, The Garden of Morning Calm offers a perfect escape from the city.

3. Seoraksan National Park

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Seoraksan National Park, located in Gangwon Province, is one of the most stunning natural areas in Korea and a perfect destination for a day trip from Seoul. Known for its dramatic landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, and towering granite peaks, Seoraksan offers a truly immersive nature experience.

The park is about a two-hour drive from Seoul, making it an accessible destination for a full day of hiking and exploration. Seoraksan is home to numerous hiking trails that cater to all levels of hikers, from easy walks to challenging climbs. The most popular trail leads to Ulsanbawi Rock, a challenging hike that rewards climbers with breathtaking views of the park and surrounding areas. Another highlight is the Gwongeumseong Fortress trail, which can be accessed by a scenic cable car ride.

In addition to its hiking trails, Seoraksan National Park features beautiful waterfalls, such as Biryong Falls and Yukdam Falls, and serene temples like Sinheungsa Temple. The park’s diverse landscapes and rich biodiversity make it a paradise for nature lovers and photographers. Whether you’re looking for a strenuous hike or a peaceful walk in nature, Seoraksan National Park offers an unforgettable day trip experience.

4. Dumulmeori

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Dumulmeori, located at the meeting point of the Bukhangang and Namhangang Rivers in Yangpyeong, is a serene and picturesque spot perfect for a relaxing day trip from Seoul. The name “Dumulmeori” literally means “two water heads,” referring to the confluence of the two rivers.

This area is famous for its stunning sunrise and sunset views, with the calm waters reflecting the colours of the sky. The iconic willow tree standing at the river’s edge adds to the scenic beauty and has become a popular subject for photographers. The walking paths along the river offer a peaceful and scenic route, perfect for a leisurely stroll or a bike ride.

Dumulmeori also features traditional Korean boats and a small dock, enhancing the nostalgic and tranquil ambience. It’s a great place for picnics, with several spots offering unobstructed views of the river. The combination of water, greenery, and beautiful landscapes makes Dumulmeori a perfect escape for nature lovers.

5. Pocheon Art Valley

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Pocheon Art Valley, located in Gyeonggi Province, is a unique destination that combines natural beauty with art and culture. It was once a granite quarry and has been transformed into a cultural and artistic complex surrounded by stunning natural landscapes.

The highlight of Pocheon Art Valley is the picturesque Cheonjuho Lake, formed by rainwater filling the abandoned quarry. The emerald-green water, surrounded by steep rock walls, creates a breathtaking view. The walking paths around the lake offer various vantage points from which to enjoy the scenery and take photographs.

In addition to its natural beauty, Pocheon Art Valley features outdoor sculptures, art installations, and a cultural centre that hosts exhibitions and performances. An observatory also provides stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Pocheon Art Valley perfectly blends nature and art, offering a unique and enriching day trip experience.

Conclusion – Seoul’s Nature Escapes

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Seoul is a city that masterfully balances the coexistence of nature and urban life. This harmony is perhaps due partly to the many mountains that weave through the cityscape, providing natural retreats amidst the concrete and steel. No matter how much you love the vibrant energy and dynamic atmosphere of the city, there are times when you need to ‘escape’ and immerse yourself in nature.

The diverse range of urban escapes covered in this article—from serene parks and scenic hiking trails to botanical gardens, riverside walks, and day trips—illustrates how seamlessly nature is integrated into the fabric of Seoul. Whether you’re seeking a peaceful walk, a challenging hike, or a relaxing day by the river, Seoul offers countless opportunities to reconnect with nature.

I hope this article has helped you discover new ways to experience and enjoy Seoul’s natural beauty. Even in a city as large and bustling as Seoul, there are always places to find tranquillity and refresh your spirit. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, take the time to explore these natural escapes and appreciate the unique blend of urban and natural environments that make Seoul such a remarkable city.

About Ethan Brooke

My name is Ethan Brooke and I have been living in South Korea since 2016. Since then, I have fallen in love with exploring and travelling around Korea. One thing that I quickly realised however, is that there is still a lot of information missing on Korea - at least in English. I started Seoulinspired to help fill that gap and to provide information to others living in and visiting South Korea.

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